Sunday, July 17, 2011

Beverages in mugs

Confession: I have become partial to consuming beverages exclusively from coffee mugs (whenever possible).

This habit may have begun when I began drinking coffee.

That habit began when I began my fourth year of graduate school (while living with a compulsive coffee drinker - A.R., you know I blame/thank you).

Caveat: Beverages consumed from coffee mugs are not limited to coffee and tea. They can be milk, lemonade, water or even bourbon and ginger ale for all I care.

(Attempt at) Explanation: There is just something about the way you can wrap your hand through the handle of a mug and grip it around its sides and raise it to your face to sip that makes its appeal superior to that of non-coffee-mug-beverage containers.

Confession (about someone else): Now I have another friend (C. R., this is you) who has gone a bit farther with a coffee mug fetish. This friend has been known to develop strong, nearly inexplicable feelings for specific, certain coffee mugs. They fill a hole in this person's heart. For this reason, these specific, certain coffee mugs must be obtained by any means possible and kept safe forever.

Sympathizing: While I understand this (and really, I do; I am not mocking), it has not yet gone that far for me. Not with coffee mugs at least. Though I did once have special flat(ish) fork that appealed to me in an perplexing way (and is now lost forever, sigh).


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