Friday, August 12, 2011

There was a cat yowling outside of my window last night...

I took a blogging break. I went away for two weeks (one for work, the second for vacation). And then I had to take a third week just to catch up from being gone for two weeks. But now, I've put writing a post at the top of my list, and it's actually getting done (for the record, things at the bottom of my list often stand a better chance of being checked off than those at the top, not sure why, but sometimes I can use this knowledge to trick myself into doing something that needs to be done).

Anyway, here I am writing in spite of missing lots of sleep last night because of a waxing moon, a yowling cat and a beagle who noticed both. It's good to be back - mostly.

At the beginning of this first week back, this is what my brain looked like on the inside. Maybe it looked a little that way last night as I was trying to sleep too. But mostly, now that it's a Friday, and things have come back under some semblance of control, the stack of papers on my desk is completely gone, laundry is done, fridge is fuller than it used to be and some nasty statistics have been wrangled with to the point of needing to sit for a while and stew, and I got a haircut...
my brain can look a little more like this - relaxed.

I'm sure I'll get around to writing more about the trip I took sometime (maybe I should put that at the bottom of my list), but for now, these are a few haphazardly selected photos.

It rained a lot where I was, but at some point, the beach rocks got a chance to dry out and then big drips of water started falling from the sky again. This was the brief moment in between dry rocks and newly wet rocks.

This cormorant misses me, I can tell. Do you see the way he is looking out to sea for me to come back?

Well, this beagle missed me too. It's not captured by this shot, but I'm told he waited patiently for my return by staring down a dirt road watching for clouds of dust.

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