Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bean stream of consciousness (March 2011)

I have on my yellow rubber rain boots and my Valentines' Day pajamas (it is, after all, March), and I'm ready to conquer the living room and maybe the whole block.

Well, hey Max. How are you doing this fine morning? I'm going to pet you and lean on you a little bit with both hands while looking over at my aunt to see if this is acceptable.

Do you need to be covered up with this hairy blue blanket? Are you cold? I've seen my aunt cover you up all except for your eyeballs. Is this so that you can hide from me and my incessant greetings for a while? I could try to do this, but I don't think I can gather up enough of it to cover any part of you - even your paw. You're sitting on the hairy blue blanket, see? If you wanted to budge a little or even get up, I could pull out some blanket and then you could sit back down, and I could cover you right up.

Your paws certainly are nice. I sort of wish I had claws too. Are they much trouble to maintain?

These yellow rubber rain boots have handles. Hmmm. Wonder if I can pull the boot off my leg with the handle.

Whoopsie daisy! Almost tipped myself right on over there. Good thing I have a low center of gravity. Especially when I'm sitting on the floor. I am like one of those inflatable bop bags that never quite tips all the way over.

Maybe these boot handles are what people mean when they use the phrase pull yourself up by your (yellow rubber rain) bootstraps. Maybe I'll try it.

Nope, didn't work. Guess I'll have to get up the old-fashioned way (using my hands and knees).

I'm going to wander over here now, okay?

Maybe now, I'll bang my face against this chair arm a couple of times. Bang bang. Okay, now what?

Maybe you would feed me something if I look at you sweetly? No, this isn't working right now either. I'll have to go closer and beg. Breakfast time, okay?

Then maybe eventually I can change out of my pajamas and yellow rubber rain boots and into some daytime clothes and yellow rubber rain boots?

Sound good to you? Okay then, ready break!


Later that day:


  1. Very cool Ginger....I am sure that is exactly what she is thinking.
    BTW: What does that mean when you use superfluous parenthesis in your writings (I do that too)??
    Kandy Donnelly (your mom sent me this which I am grateful) see what I mean.....

  2. Thanks Kandy! I saw (ehh-hemmm - via facebook) that Erin got married recently. Congrats to your family! (I maintain that excessive parentheses are an indication of a multi-tasking brain.) For whatever it's worth.

  3. Hi Ginger,
    WHAT a delight; thank you. Ahh, the paranthesis. I believe that all of us who still use punctuation marks are AOK! Reminds me of the arguments we had in grad school one particular gem was about "the politics of the (use of)the comma. And so it goes. Namaste, Catherine Mullaugh
